Monday, February 27, 2012

Sexy & Subtle with the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette

I recently purchased the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette from Sephora and was excited to try out some looks with this palette. I do not have the first Naked Palette, but I really loved the unique, metallic colors that are in the Naked 2 Palette. I wanted to do a look today that wasn’t too dramatic, but sexy and subtle. This is a look you can wear out to a party, going out to dinner, or just as a casual look for your everyday wear (with a little more spunk, of course!).
I used several colors from this palette to give the look more color, since we are working with mainly neutral colors in this palette. I started off by applying the eyeshadow, Chopper, into the first half of my lid. Then, I took YDK, a metallic, pink/gray color from the palette, and applied it to the outer half of my lid. For my crease, I took the eyeshadow, Busted, and applied it with a tapered blending brush to the outer half of my crease. I did not want to take the color all the way across the crease because I wanted a more subtle effect with my look (do whatever works for you!). After applying Busted into the outer corner of my crease, I added a very light dab of the color Blackout to the outer corner of my crease. This will give the look a tad bit more drama and will create a bit of depth to the look. For the inner half of my crease, I used the color, Pistol, and swiped it across the top of my crease with a tapered blending brush. You can also use a Pencil brush to get more precision with the application of the eyeshadow in places you want emphasis. Lastly, I used the color, Foxy, as my brow highlight. I also highlighted the inner corners of my eyes by using the color, Verve, which is a ligh silver color. I blended all of the colors together with the ELF blending brush to make sure there wasn’t any harsh lines and to have a more seemless transition with the eyeshadow colors.You can avoid using multiple brushes for this look by using the double ended eyeshadow brush that comes with this palette (pretty good deal!). On my lower lash line, I applied Busted and Blackout with a flat eyeshadow brush to smoke out the look a little more. On my waterline, I kept it clean with a white eyeliner from Avon. The white eyeliner will make the look more innoncent, but still sexy.
Overall, this look is very easy to do. If you do not want to use the colors I used, there are 12 colors in this palette, so feel free to play around with them! Don’t be scared to mix colors together to get the perfect color you’re looking for. There are only three matte shades in this palette and the rest are metallic colors. These eyeshadows do give you a lot of fall out, so I will suggest you apply your foundation and concealer after you are done with your eye makeup. I always keep a cosmetic wedge in handy to clean up under my eyes before I apply my concealer. If you want to play up the look a little more, you can always wear a nice plum or red lipstick (whatever color you like!) I didn’t go too crazy today, so I stuck with a pink shimmery lip glass from MAC called Star Nova (so, so pretty!). I hope y’all will try this look and feel free to post comments about the look or about the Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. I would love to hear from you guys! See ya soon :-)

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