Monday, May 21, 2012

Coral and Blue Eye Makeup

Happy Saturday! Hopefully, everyone is enjoying their weekend so far :-) Today, I did a makeup look that is colorful, glittery and just plain awesome! Lol It’s a great look for the summer and it’s dramatic, but not too over the top. I love doin the colorful eye makeup looks cuz color is my thing, but please let me know if you’ll like to see any other looks! Sometimes, I feel like I’m talkin to myself on this site!

Anyway, here are the products I used:
MAC Pink Bronze pigment – Inner one-third of my eyes
MAC Orange pigment – Center of my eyes
MAC Deep Truth – Outer one-third of my eye, mixed with some black eyeshadow
MAC Passionate – Crease color
MAC Stars n’ Rockets – Transition color above my crease
I used NYX glitter liner in pink (one of my favs!) in the inner half of my upper lash line and a little on my lower lash line.
For my cheeks, I used NYX Desert Rose blush and on my lips, I used a coral lipstick with some gloss over it.
Please leave some feedback, I’ll appreciate it. Thanks for viewing!

Bold Blue Eyes and Precious Pink Lips!

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. My makeup for today is bold, dramatic and a great look for anyone who likes to experiment with color on their face :-) I have different shades of blue eyeshadow on my eyes and I paired it with bold pink lips. I extended my liner into a cat eye look, but not too intense and I have a blue glitter liner on as well.
FYI: This is off topic, but I wanted to let those of you who view my blog on a consistent basis, that I’ll be less frequent with my blog posts. I enjoy doin my makeup and posting what I know about makeup on this site, but I feel like I’m not getting enough recognition on here. I feel like I’m talkin to myself sometimes and my main purpose for my blog was to network with people and help people who have questions about makeup. So, I’ll still be on here, just not posting as often.

Products Used:
MAC Tilt
MAC Atlantic Blue
MAC Plumage
MAC Contrast
MAC Brown Down
MAC Trax
Lips: NYX Shocking Pink matte lipstick and MAC Magenta lip pencil